In a woman’s life, a handbag is more than just an accessory. It’s her daily companion, therefore, a necessary investment. In most cases, a handbag defines the personality of a woman as it is her lifestyle.
You can change your outlook today from glam to casual with a single handbag, while the wrong bag can draw unnecessary attention away from your awesome outfit.
Before making a purchase, you’ll want first to ask yourself what you need in a handbag since you’ll be carrying it every day. It has to match your style, be comfortable, must endure stretching, dropping, stuffing, and all types of regular abuse.
We’ve rounded up a few tips to consider before buying a handbag from any online store in Kenya. And at the end of the article, we’ll also tell you the range of handbag sets in Kenya that will help you make an informed decision before making a purchase.
But first! Before you get into these factors, I seek to challenge you with this question.
Do You Have a Budget in Mind?
With all said and done, the most important thing is always the cost. You should have a budget in mind before making a purchase. Whatever the size, type, structure, and functionality you might decide to go with, it’s always a good idea to tally it with your budget to make the best choice. For premium kinds of stuff, it’s good to figure out the cost per wear. You basically work out the number of times you would use your handbag until it lasts, then divide the cost of the handbag with this number and you will find the cost per wear. This not only helps you make a proper comparison but also the best choice when making a purchase.
After agreeing with your budget, you can proceed.
As the saying goes quality is better than quantity. You want to think of what level of quality you need before making a purchase. Keep in mind that your handbag is what you hold more often than anything else. Therefore, a slightly higher cost for a few more years of durability is always a good bargain. Always check the material, seams, and stitching of the handle for good quality. Some handbag sets in Kenya will differ depending on quality.
It doesn’t matter if you are a rash user or one who prefers getting a new one every year, quality could be more important.
When it comes to buying a handbag, you’ll need to decide its purpose. For instance, if you go to work every day and carry a lot of things, you’ll need a tote bag as it’s spacious. Nevertheless, no matter how few or plenty the items you want to carry in your handbag are, you can never go wrong with a spacious handbag. Even then, don’t overload your handbag with so many things to save it from wearing out too soon. Also, it’s advisable not to go for heavy bags to avoid stress and pain in your arms and shoulders.
Stylish handbags have more beautification (fringes, buttons, large hardware, stones) compared to decent or classic handbags. You’ll want to have a variety of handbags more so when you are a working lady and frequently attend parties. It will be easy for you to make a better selection depending on the occasion.
Markets today offer a variety of colors in women’s handbags. Like every other fashion-oriented woman, you want a color that suits your occasion. Black is a bland color that comes with fashion and style and often suits most occasions. Brown is also advisable as it can suit most of your dress shades. For professional women, it’s advisable to choose some light shades of sky blue, grey, and pink for attending parties.
See-through the handbag sets in Kenya for elegant colors that will keep you glowing.
Every time before making a purchase, you have to be certain about the functionality of your handbag. Are you buying it for official use or casual visits?
Depending on the use of the bag, you can buy leather or canvas bags. Leather handbags are more expensive but durable. The choice is yours!
For quality and durable handbag sets in Kenya, be sure to consider these essential factors before making a purchase.