12Kg Fully Automatic Washing Machine Stainless Steel Big Drum Size Fit 7x8 King Size Duvet Fuzzy Log

12Kg Fully Automatic Washing Machine Stainless Steel Big Drum Size Fit 7x8 King Size Duvet Fuzzy Log

12Kg Fully Automatic Washing Machine Stainless Steel Big Drum Size Fit 7x8 King Size Duvet Fuzzy Log 1430665 0

Brand : ARMCO  

Best price from 1 Shop(s)

KSh 9 999 999,99

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12Kg Fully Automatic Washing Machine Stainless Steel Big Drum Size Fit 7x8 King Size Duvet Fuzzy Log

Price:   KSh 9 999 999,99
Country:   Kenya
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Manufacturer ARMCO

Specifications of 12Kg Fully Automatic Washing Machine Stainless Steel Big Drum Size Fit 7x8 King Size Duvet Fuzzy Log

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